Sunday, April 15, 2018

For Sen. Prescott Bush (R-Connecticut) 1954


I was driving south from Amarillo, Texas. Amarillo was just south of the wide Red River.
I was starting just such of there, having crossed the river just north and west of there. And driving down and down those STEPS as I was told later, down that long straight road.. up to Amarillo and then?|  |

I spent the night in a nice university town near Lubbock. It was nice and friendly in that university town.
In the glorious morning I again headed straight south towRD BIG SPRING.. The land down there was getting real flat and I saw tase vast fields with little spindly plants which I thought might be spinach trees. I stopped at a rest stop just north of Lamesa and stretched my legs and walked around. It was early December. I was there and thence and I bent down to get a good look, and " Oh, My Lord", "that weren't snow". There were these little brown speckles in that white fluffy stuff - that there were Cotton. I froze and then my thought came, "This boy from Brookline, Massachusetts ain't never bending down and licking" up that stuff." "No, never.." Then being an engineering student in my college classes years ago, I thought or surmised "that cotton don't weigh anything. There's no resistance". Those poor folk spending years or decades picking up cotton that has no weight, it makes you nuts, crazy. 12 or 18 hours a day bending and picking up nothing, you can just fall down, just go crazy.
Then as I drove further down the highway, I started seeing large white stacks the size of a small SUV, (sport utility vehicle). There in the fields approaching Lamesa. That little Oasis town. And, that knowing the liquor biz, I was these small barn-like tin or steel building with a open front and no windows with faded signs reading "Gin". "That was a cotton gin, not a liquor factory." And those white slightly grey stacks in the fields were bales of Cotton. [Heavenly]] Heavy they must be.
You spend days picking cotton and then lifting a ton of it.

The best part was driving south there it was in Lamesa, that white and red sign, "DQ". A Dairy Queen shop of Mr. Warren BUffett. I missed the highway turn-off and as those highway builders out southwest Texas and Oklahoma added, was The Loop. (Maybe it was Pres. George W.'s Blessing.) I turned off at the Loop and went back up through the center of that dusty center of that town and back on the federal-state highway and slowed and took the exit and again, "Oh, my God", the exit let my off directly the entrance to the DQ parking lot for my blessed grilled chicken sandwich Mr.

Then south and faster and faster and a short rest, and then a right turn down and down to great MIDLAND, TEXAS, the hometown of the Bush family. And a few divine days there in Midland with them real Texas oilmen and others, nice down home folk. By my good fortune, I found the old Oilmen's office building with that cozy breakfast nook there where those sharp South West Texas oil executives (Oilmen) ate and talked, and just where I ate my pancakes with syrup (checks or cash only, Thank You Dear.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Oh God above
encased in Love
Autumn's hold
has not yet come.

Oh help those souls, whom we love
Oh Harvard's spires, which we do admire
"and odes, like the ancient" oh Emerson come
to assuage our hurt, and bring solace to us.

Our country bold to all who know
we love all goodness deep in heart
ne'er do we ever want to part.
Our soul not mixed with soils' rot,
some feel only love can be bought.
Some feel they're above merit and loss
because good conscience, soul and love
is someone's else's lot.

A privilege is our birth these days to live
and love and help our fellow human beings' thought
because we learn and give an appreciation of soul
and merit, some call;; worth.
A person needs help and in this age all receive
instantaneous Communication from God's healing balm,
But please my friend, giving and helping and loving is a must

Love is here to all so dear for being and cat and dog and moth
all contribute to God's plan of living and growing on our Earth.
Help my pal, help your self, help all who cross your path
because you may not know and you may hurt inside, but you
can give an instant push to them you see, admire and even you
are fully worth all care and support and value, money, too. This
Country cannot live in hate. The minds of many who lived before
brought light and even electricity and warmth to home and car, an
automobile gave us speed and space, So, John F. Kennedy gave us moon

and he gave us feeling of hope. I cannot speak with words alone.
My heart expands, exudes in care and wisdom from one's, my, inmost soul
Care for you and me and such, we have not lost too much, yet, but help
and love is now a MUST.
NO one can believe but what and whom they know, you must find in mind and soul
and space,
because President Kennedy of the USA  and Chairman Krushchev of
Russia on April 25, 1961 exchanged messages for planning a mutual Filmed
Interview for World-Wide Theatrical Distribution. ,Note: PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY:
SENT To: Pierre Salinger, (Press Secretary), Research by me, Alan L Rosenfield...

In China  land of great renown
We hear of business great write down Or
pictogram, or characters.

In Israel of great religion
they are, a must, making peace alone
in region of world's great wealth
of mind of heart and lubrication.

In Paris France our heart resides
of Coco, Hermes, and French+Italian
of heart, and clothes and smell/'n vision
we see across the sane?, Seine, and
where Karl and Michael rule in fame.

My wealth in heart we see unfolded
to help divide the bad from good
My mind must always suffice
to keep safe from death and vice.
Our heart is One in Love for all
in God and good we wear a hood, ah!
Around the earth we liberate and teach all
 to spell.
America, America!!

"The Nature of Sacrifice"
A Biography of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr. 1835-1864
Written by Carol Bundy, Published by
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005......

frozen in time and space
Physics gave us this cold sight.
Chaos theory of science past. Now we see
all of me.
All of you can be seen, can see, all, you and me
far beyond our spacial/time ( physics gave us time plus
You can be, please, you and me.

Frozen Iced Delight.

Inside wasted heart and might.
Might breeds right, too long held,
Brought by this theory all to death.
 Capitulation was taught at colleges as theory and a goal.
 Those who held and taught this should go stay in jail.
 Game theory, strategy and stratagem
*gem.. Was Jesus really nailed to the Cross.
Who was his jailer, who was his friend.
In the end he helped us all.
By Jew and Muslin, we should not hate.
Every man builds his own fate.
"AS you sow, so shall you reap ...
Someone you know said this..."
Who hated Jew and Muslim was deceived
WE cannot hate ourself.
We cannot hurt others.

Vegas, Weggis,

Peace, Please,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, 1772 - 1834

from     KUBHLA KHAN

Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Francis Cabot Lowell

The qualities which exemplify Boston, its culture, its intellectual fervor, its grace were supported for the last two centuries and truly longer by the wealth created by this man's intelligence and his friends and relations. Lowell, not just the town, but the family substantiated Massachusetts, Boston and the New Independent Nation - the United States of America. From some sailing ships slipping out of a few North Shore towns and harbors to far off lands and near. The money, wealth, succored the intellect and health of the Boston Puritans and our subsequent culture.

Who can say what America, our country, would be if not for Francis Cabot Lowell. He combined intelligence with foresight, supported by a strong brilliant memory and a resourceful mechanical or engineering skill. What more could be combined.

F. C. Lowell  (1775 - 1817)

Thursday, December 18, 2014


  And,  Grace to all of you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Refuge Of Hope